Digital Poetics 3.21 Everscapes by T. Person

We are standing
in the Q for a club. 
It’s morning 
you say: “let’s talk.
Torso troublants weren’t
in our playbooks nor is
self-charm in our mirrors.
≥ Remembrance ≤
with a little c,
doesn’t require memory.
I couldn’t want desire,
when we first loved, 
I’d pickle quick
plums in the night, sad; 
then before sunrise I’d
boil all the eggs 
& return them
to the carton, 
cackling, yawning.
Our body was a site for 
kisses, scrapes, elements, leather. 
An object of payment 
bruised with sweat sparkles.
Out of love, falling
in Hamnavoe—
tumbling sounds: stairs 
to the shore where
rose, haw,
here, rose hep, look:
dogroses snog
in the 
psychopomp park
Hermes, harbinger
deliver[s] parcel[s]
across plains of light, into lustrous 
uploads of the cross-over, 0 Aphrodite,
the sweet melting of genders
into passwords:
Nobody’s home. 
Is it twilight or dawn? 
The night is 
whispered, plainly;
their dawns in ink
lime lights, that
rush four to the floor. Our
nostalgic doubting heart circular, 
the autophagic pleasure 
of crowds, live 
ketfeethugs in 
the dark room; in
the dance chamber 
where we’ll live together,
our electric 
manifold is
the image
is the image
ipse dixit
show us the door, a
boundary of ruffled 
passport next to 
sea squad and the
simplicity of travel 
like kein mensch
not tonight, Freund.
Jener mensch 
ist illegal 
in therapy
a provocation 
a weight a 
calendar of 
thoughts, a 
wish in
the loch 
below sight
above sex
winking at
the local
across the mind’s
post office; visible;
he’s ill from the
blatant suns, the
dog roses, the cuffing
complexes, the
cobwebs of the
right to remain; 
what if you were 
ordered to 
dismantle your 
own home
or pay for 
its destruction? 
Knock knock
clause 9
Forced eviction
Forced deportation
condemn expats
to be named immigrants. 
deliver[s] parcel[s]
between 9 and 7.
This time it
belongs to our 
border guards, so
we take it 
and build 
this mirror 
we look at 
together, right now. 
The inflected loses itself.
can you hold 
me like that Greer Lankton 
doll? I asked remember.
I invited everyone 
over for my birthday
and once they’d all arrived I
screamed ““everybody out.””
I can’t even say my house even
the property in which I 
currently dents-de-lions even
pissenlit løvetann
, yes Löwenzahn
teeth, flaxen lion tooth. I 
just can’t even Louis Vutton 
out of this love mess,
this urban space battle in your
estranged flesh suit, a
mist of Electra’s complexes 
O my legs refused to walk 
// John Clare \\ are flowers
the winter’s future? //
To spite O, to spite E
love of my life no.7 ate
love of my life no.9 but
we’re all still friends
in the Q for the club
we’ve been in all this time
pushing the furies
for this new reality. No, 
not a fucking Utopia;
waiting for scotland, so
please be seated
for the incremental
dissolution of the crown yes
to dance with reason in the 
tonic of the pulling Clyde, in
the irresponsive Firths;
we burst in our own way 
into twilit summers with
hot, limp wrists 
that slap the blues
out of the sky
The Q moves forward a step.
We celebrate in criticism
the latent futures of 
fishnets, our haptic love
shifts under inclement 
and substantial 
weather systems that flip 
landslide fevers into chip shop
conflicts like salts from above yes
& there under vinegar moons
the bouncer admits:
musclebound, leathered
st. cuthbert of
lindisfarne is here
in the Q fishnet flex
tailed by a sneaking 
monk and emerged from 
the north sea­— ””death””
when, as if by nature,
the bouncer reports,
a bevy of otters dried his feet
with their fur and licked 
him dry; the sneaking monk 
confessed to St. Cuthbert and
swore himself to silence.
We move forward a step
figures emerge at the window
that opens to tempt 
the Q-ing crowd, a torso
immanent in calcium light
surveying the prophecy of Merlin
in trace of Myrddin Wyllt—””The Wild:””
a boy presented to 
him, how will he die?
He will fall from a rock
Presented again in 
different clothes
He will hang
Presented in a dress
He will drown
the boy falls 
from a rock
hangs from 
a branch and
with his head 
in the water, drowns.
The bouncer regal boi
musclebound refuses
a skein of dys-, another
gaggle of gigabytes so
we turn to each 
other and kiss, at last;
the Q is 30km long, so
I take off my shirt 
waiting; dark
the gentle, sudden
lift of private
recessions, the rate
of  intramural
vision doubling
into tensions of blue;
the falling of history’s
where pixelated
the parallax of the 
panorama milkshakes melt.
There Cailleach­—””the hag””
an anapest 
a trochee
sweet substances
of dys-skin pushed 
against cosmic glass;
muscles made
of microplastics flex;
I put my hand 
on the fence, but
the lattice is covered
in anti-love paint;
you carry your phone, the 
mortal harvest of desire, a
passing of crystalline days; 
in September the structure 
of kanikama, karaoke
capital & the crabstick:
I sing, I am singing, I will sing
the greys of acid circles like a
dashofself in memory of our
our imago, a
moulting attachment 
to one another
and now what? We 
eat the symbols of
the blues: hi-viz beat
in latest carceral fortune;
yes they’re visible, we 
share tongues, we 
keep sharing tongues, 
in the Q,
we keep sharing our 
tongues, yes we 
don’t talk, we hear
a song from the first floor
above a neon palace 
and a torso;
our promise of pleasure in the 
simulated divine in the Q
where we wait later
touching, gazing at
the pineal centre, the
banjo pull, the
memory of
the first disobedience;
the toddler’s—””The Nation””
first steps towards hegemony;
the neck in front of us:
a tattoo snake, 
an apple, 
a pearl necklace.
I miss you.
Q-ing. So
we play mishaps
of the body;
our tensed 
copulas unisex 
and silent in-
lush, mirrored
anxious s**g
against the railings
of the nation state
the horror! I say:
I want you;
we want to go inside
but don’t push in front 
so we wait & sweat
falls from the sparks
of our last 
crush & extinguishes, 
in perfect cadence,
the house of
lords, & so through
naming, we notice the 
diversity of life
says Anna Tsing, so we 
wait besides one another 
in a new naming
of skins; you whisper
the invincible
privilege of 
against this the displaced
Binary logic of
the spiritual reality 
of the root-tree.
We stand adjacent 
to this dichotomous
Our hands,
touches of 
not-I, I
not-you, you now.
Call me,  we’re in the Q.
Our text is an
island?— a wee archi-
It’s possible
to kiss gelato? But
we wattle any way.
Call me, text me, 
tell it to me
my boughs are the sheen and
how ssssssssssssss
textual it
after you
our dearest toys
in gestalt and art.
Our dearest septums
boarded up
on PVC
else     where
threads, dominant winds 
wheezing, whoop! 
Through beachgrass—
silk’s sway? The
largesse of 
the impish 
of truth
p i n n a t e  &  s y m m e t r y 
I walk 
as an ache or heartburn
towards seasonal Kabbalah;
Chicken chow mein;
Hungry with after
morning light.
Mirage: translucent. 
We are
fleshing out 
into the weight
of our wounds.
We gift our trauma
our dreams.
A tension there
tickles their
possibilities by 
acts of 
love cadence
chime the
ethics of 
smoked glass
and hi-pass filters but
radiant torsos soon
tempt our thoughts.
Their sills.
Their pewter
lunettes mouth speech:
an analogue of earth. We
start snogging: we start
wearing trousers.
Pentimento traces on skin.
The repentance 
of my dearest, troubled virgo.
Another spectacle in 
the cattle feeder while 
we Q with everyone.
They see
our fall to grace.
We nonetheless 
bear gifts in
our pockets and
someone yonder 
chats about who
they’re saving and
how and how much
it costs; 
someone yonder 
chats about who
they’re sleeping with and
how and how much 
it costs.
This infinite
work complex
and how neoliberalism 
saved me from 
the weight of 
a vivid inner archive;
someone behind again
talks about who they’re
shagging and how often
and what that means in 
the grand scheme of 
neoliberal love;
Images appear of
latex, of lucky fuschia, of
resurgent sex supply chains and
crying salvage rhythms, at last the 
vast, abusive economy of bathing, 
of sobbing 
is booming;  
the power of six, the
sweetest; I spill this
rosacea cocktail just when
everything was 
going so swimmingly, but
distinctive like skies, 
the fat conscience of 
the known possesses of 
her what nature lacks 
in leggings. The exhibitionism, 
Gerti, the besetting mould; 
the iron­ believed the 
orangepeel’s thought 
of the lean unlovely, 
where our hermessengers 
master a resilient temperament. 
Don’t worry, my
dick gets my foot
in the door.
The real-
ised and relieved elsewhere 
confess their absence. 
Small satiny years 
murmur You did that,
you lived that BUZZ. 
With white and yellow that 
frontal pleasure music sings: 
Come, you alleged end
The old, bad, bright, merry 
displacement of people; 
the occasional and endearing face;
the lampposts above charming glimpses; 
these provisional midnights decide such 
feels. Convince myself 
to lather softer skin 
on likely firmer ground. 
You refused 
the sequence true for you, 
first turning 
nosey and whistling 
the channel eats a 
sinister something: pansies, they 
Bloom Bloom eyes not twinkling 
and which modernis-

hasn't lost more than five 
shoals of soured friendships. Those 
engulfed by the soul don't help 
anyhow. Outside of wailing want 
and timbre the just just might be 
right there. The 
flowered train was due 
likewise to a spiritual 
almost ivory; his red purity 
awned the streets whose 
land Blooms into thought 
gazing chords, making it simple. 
cry nice here and the poplars 
speak like the world with 
the ear blind and they say
appendix etc pleasure etc. 
There when such pleasure of control
sets that morning ocean and 
the seas though overjoyed 
sob in loose aromas; this 
learning happy drowsy 
silence is a queer, gold glimpse 
of lapped moon in violet;
the colour tightly embraces 
them male; those sour, sweet new 
garters, when falsely stated 
the tall pink etiquettes 
craved by those 
waiting on the platform 
cast votes out of her mass 
bosom for Brit-
Without all this misery 
from the middle 
clays, the colours leave 
the garden between She, 
our nation, the mauve 
fire, the rose face; an 
empty tang; their droll eyes, 
their gentle grey suit 
turned to Madame Tussaud’s 
where collecting there 
gnawed all who sin in 
their fire-snogged ancient 
selves; but all die many 
ways with priceless 
fear: all through the dark 
thoroughly lefthanded, the
criminal lushness eats the 
ocular shove of attraction. 
We had naked garments 
at last. The first water.
The final fireworks.
Toe to toe and two later 
the lord’s curious,
leering mouth piques only 
a judged taste, treated 
like hygiene; the pro-
phylactic authority all 
forms the offic-
ial versions from 
that morning madame suit. 
Only affordable transit will 
save the commuter; 
they swing their dress for 
the good looking sovereign; 
and there's more where that 
languor came from and 
we hear this laughing, 
this delightful crying 
from the front of the Q;
more delight cried 
could never satisfy 
the passions, the grief, 
the help for the
returning tomorrow. 
Our residence in this softly, softly 
reflection of the fallen state. 
It’s brazen for fresh 
breath minted
in an inverted 
tory sickness. 
His, yes, proof of the arranged 
cottage off the street 
under that ordinary night 
where the simple substance, 
sertraline, settles in. 
There’s still a Saint 
then suddenly a Could; 
a young voice besides 
the CISSY; the 
platonic licking of the state
and those policemen sweating 
another five thousand 
prisoners into 
their shirts; the Burned 
hundred and the banks 
get hotwater­ without tender 
and that citizen burning burning, 
fire fire might his best kind beings 
and memory pfooh relentless. 
I remember the absentminded 
dirty brutes under 
General Garland Garter, my first lover, 
here have been 
discovered by remote parties 
like the agent for this patriotic 
grey state; I’m stuck talking
to an insurance company about
my imaginary possessions;
this will therefore pull the flesh off their ears; 
I’ve heard faintly who has not hoarsely 
whispered about derelict windows in 
kinning park where you can buy cheap .mp3s; 
homely you break this news in two,
then break down yourself, irl
you’re my valentine 
peace treaty and read, relish, need, exhale, 
and say you little prick then they them. Aye, they 
lamp there, that’s putrid. Don't crows look 
excessive like Dedalus, for they said 
only thinking of a darkroom’s secrets? 
The process of the and which male and
female chats about; she sets aside another 
space and time. When I call, I wait so long for the call, 
may the fringe, the noisy quarrelling knot 
and their breath displace its memory 
adjacent to the glaresgame this concentrate 
imagination plays on; every morning 
is a throne: grouped, prone, change the question. 
diminishing parity, no party, near the old 
bay silent like the shoulder, hips
lapping ocean and sea, but no there’s just 
wind and head, the sounds of sucking 
air through teeth and a low circle above 
the plinth where we’ll dance later, yes we’re
halos holding heated agreements and necks 
with learned futures there injected with a 
bright, terrible yellow. The sign glint eye eye: 
the nose and pen nodded from under some stuff
that peels our stagnant forms. How beautiful 
this fuschia time warp. Don’t worry, my
dick won’t get us through the door. 
I won’t show it to them;
they just have to think I’ve got one 
with its familiar power, motionless that
begins with rare balance and when 
the stakes were movements, exceptions 
the colour remained invisible. Unknown the 
glass, farewell, the oil, roses legitimate our deft,
soft persona. Like many 
others this tuck hurts and your gaze hammers;
your sudden resemblance to the divine shocks; 
already seated, sour eyes had lifted 
some dark curtain; this cycle enamoured 
daddy’s dividends, touching a pleasure etc
entangled in issues of private rust where
this sex included body and rights, exhortation, 
the modes and one fact: there imaginary, 
experienced, articulating theory far 
queerer than that other deeply important 
spark, traces. Fashion has many other 
issues in uttering; they speak genderfluid, 
nonrollerskate gossip through songs for the 
popular drag historical art art. Arts
FIGURE their way into married, merging 
untruths that ultimately form this hybrid rarity;
the term Why This Body? and The World; horror,
performance and performance examine 
awareness; it’s all very literary anyway; I acknowledge
meat bodies, fabulousness, November, 
History. Archives. Mythmaking. Silly little games; love
all becomes, starkly, the Joy political 
which honours the many sexed systems of
our escape, feeling real but destroying reality. 
I perform otherwise, get the sense, blindnesses well 
vulnerabilities. Another way 
I perform feeling real and destroying 
current gender theatres, this mighty real 
just the Prologue to belief. Present modes 
allude throughout haute couture poetics 
and through the blues rock this sweat mingles 
relationality which counters high art. 
The term and concept, the meanings attached 
to our self sense sack the popular conceptions 
from the board. It’s
2010. The beginning like reworked mannerisms,
evoked key actions and relational white 
politics. One way or an ‘other’ interrupts the visual grotesque 
down on inflation beside an on-paper perfect lover with 20 
mayfair superkings going spare outside the
toby carvery next to the don bridge where 
vitreous, foggy nature rains onto our somatic
synthesis; this is a game we play with
Thanatos—nickname “”Dan, from the Bridge Inn””
‘cept our own death feels 
further than the earth’s
—he says.
Life underwrites death:
can’t have one without the other, despite
the musk in the haar, the lack of visibility, there’s
hotties on the platform waiting for the end 
of Britain, the holy fire of always saying yes to
spite desire, yes to want for the 
stars: an evident lack, a fatal
insecurity or yes a complex around crisps
and lagers. I just want to snog a gas giant
at colossal velocity, since the love 
of my life no. 11 Mr.Blobby died in a skip
outside tesco at the forge; it brings 
the concept of the cycle back
into this growth mindset where
speech and will oppose the distortion 
of well-being; the explorations in which play 
stresses the feels, the sensation gay and their body 
extremely muscular. Oh my, much thinking 
about physicality; now in common language 
the returning buff FIGURE is forever young; 
The stress Clowns hand 
sculpture your performativity;
this crystal flex subverts the trained, fleshy 
suits and thread s
coercions into five streams of tears
down their faces;
the concepts vogue and the spectators absorb
the yearned automatic thinking; 
the way performing bodies can 
pulp such questions; the modal cone of
distress. Wanna be genderless and at home.
Three rather long, gendered Somethings 
walk into a bar: hold on, it’s a knife, a fork and a spoon.
After a quick bite to eat this vibrant 
dentist beat the window theatric!
The fall of man begins in the mouth.
Those boys dress like mortals;
they are masked in new violet 
garters that pair Britain with the erotic: 
designing female greens, plucking then the satin 
rose throughout aid funds for lifting fingers 
framed around the walls; images recognise 
one another; for the moment sex hides 
these private bronze gatherings and undoes 
the sheaf with its toenails: death by itching;
living by scratching. A flap smile; flood ears; 
fat proximity; group birth; such literal realness; 
queer jowls; she plays Occam; stage blouse; 
bacon call; blessed penknife; the 
desperate fact; this problem queen from the forth; 
a loom wends in Paisley;
gold gives us heartburn; one poison bouquet please;
Yes Delivered please, no anonymous, yes 10 Downing—
Dedalus’ unstable hands; themselves 
unthinkable paper the mud; the devotee; 
the narratives; 
the last Easter glow. Further down the Q, 
where we wait,
someone says: round and round 
the murderous border protection
the ragged home secretary ran”


T. Person is an artist and writer living in Glasgow. Their work and writing has been shown in Gutter Magazine, Erotoplasty, SPAM, Embassy Gallery and at Hidden Door Festival.


The moral right of the author has been asserted. However, the Hythe is an open-access journal and we welcome the use of all materials on it for educational and creative workshop purposes.


Digital Poetics 3.22 Mesh by Alex Aspden


Digital Poetics 3.20 Freedom in the Lyric Continuum: Workshop @ AP Berlin